Sunday, October 1, 2017

September/October 2017

September - October 2017

Hilltop artists are quickly back into the swing of things in the artroom!  They spent the first month of school not only (re)acquainting themselves with the art room but also actively working on a couple of big projects.

Display My Art -- This is the annual HSA fundraiser project that the students get involved in as their first art learning experience of the year.  Kindergarteners overlap; first graders share their favorite scenes; second graders practice line design in their traced hands; third graders emphasize; and fourth graders share what they enjoy -- dessert!  Look out for more information to come from the HSA regarding this fundraiser!

Rock Painting -- As a part of character education and Hilltop Rocks Day, every student came to the art room and painted a rock that will make up a beautiful rock garden in front of the school. All of the students unleashed their creativity and uniqueness evidenced by these colorful rocks.  A huge thanks to volunteers and teachers who made this day possible!  

Technology: 3rd graders have been learning about their new Google Drive, how it can enhance their learning experiences, and how a great digital citizen uses their drive in respectful, constructive and productive ways to enhance their learning. Each student was given a Google License, and now has full permission to use their drive at home and in school.  Both 3rd and 4th graders have been working on a collaborative Google Drive project. Both 3rd and 4th graders are now active OPAC users. Ask your child what the acronym OPAC stands for, and how it can help learners locate and explore literary resources.  

Hilltop Library 2017-18 Reading Initiative …. RECOMMEND A BOOK IN SIXTY SECONDSThroughout the school year 2nd-4th graders are encouraged to share book a recommendation on Mrs. LeMay’s FLIPGRID page.  Using Flipgrid for this initiative will allow students to engage in conversations about books, promote literacy, and amplify student voice!  3rd and 4th grade students can access this password protected grid in their Google Drive by going to Mrs. LeMay’s Google Classroom. 2nd graders will be given a copy of the code in order to access the grid. Students can post these book reviews during a specified time in library/technology class using the Video Production station in the technology lab, or they can post from home.

Library book circulation has begun!  Students will be given the opportunity to check out books during their regularly scheduled library class as follows:

K Pirozzi
K Rogers
1 Gertler
1 Del Grande
1 Abreu/Freitag
2 Cohen
2 Epitropakis
2 Young
3 Crist
3 Eagan
3 Tucker
4 Lau
4 McGoldrick
4 Stolten

Click HERE for the link to the Hilltop School calendar reflecting the assigned days of our 4 day related arts rotation. SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE TO VIEW THE CALENDAR.

Online Resources are at your child’s fingertips! Brain Pop, Encyclopedia Brittanica, PebbleGO, and more, are available to you through the Mendham Borough School subscriptions.  These resources are funded through our district, and are available to your children in school and at home!  For quick hyperlink access to all of our online subscriptions, go to the Hilltop Library Media Center webpage and click on the “Subscription Online Resources” link on the left side of your screen. Username and password information was distributed to all families at back to school night, and 3rd and 4th graders have access to a GOOGLE SITE within their Google Drive. Questions?? eMail Mrs. LeMay at

Library Information Literacy: Our K-4th grade students have begun exploring and checking out literature.  In addition to our focus on our school-wide character pillar, RESPECT, we are diving into literature. In Kindergarten we are reading and singing along with Pete the Cat. 1st Graders are exploring the Clyde the Bunny books, and reflecting on the beginning, middle, and end of a story, as well as character, setting, genre, problem and solution.  Our 2nd Graders are learning about Tall Tales, the 398.2 Dewey section, and of course, the use of exaggeration in many Tall Tales.

We look forward to exploring and experiencing wonderful literature throughout the 2017-2018 year!

Physical Education:   The start to a new Fitness year.  Your children will be setting Goals for themselves.  How many more sit - ups can they do in December than they did in September?, learn more about soccer this year than last year, and many more personal goals.  
We begin the year reviewing  the rules of the gym, and then off we go!  The Hilltoppers will be focusing on the basic skills of soccer, using their eyes and foot to get the ball where it needs to go.   They will see what shape their body is in by doing a Sit up test for 1 min, a shuttle run, a ¼ mile,½ mile and the 1 mile jog and using a sit and stretch machine that measures flexibility.  
Ask them about some of the fun games they played at the beginning of the year.  Most of them were games they enjoyed from last year.   Looking forward to a fun filled year with lots of great fitness activities.      

Kindergarteners: Ask a kindergarten about “Ralph, the Mouse” who sings with us every lesson, and “Bananas” who moves with us in every lesson. We sing familiar songs together with the “Secret Song Bag” (many thanks to another music colleague for this idea). K students learn new songs for future skills development and the correct names and age-appropriate techniques on classroom instruments -- ask them about “Jingle Bear” (again, thanks to another music colleague for this idea!). We end each lesson with a musical story. Some musical stories K students have heard are If You’re Happy and You Know It by Jane Cabrera and Over in the Meadow by Jane Cabrera.
First graders have been demonstrating their understanding of tempo through Italian terms - allegro, moderato, adagio) and dynamics through Italian terms - forte, mezzo forte, piano.
Second graders have reviewed rhythm symbols and 4-beat rhythm patterns from last year. They have learned new songs with games for future skill development: Tinker, Tailor and Here We Sit.

Third graders have played “Use Your (Pool) Noodle” to review rhythms and music symbols from last year and “Poison Pattern” to review melodic patterns from last year.

Fourth graders have reviewed their B A G recorder skills and begun Recorder Karate to develop their staff reading/notation skills. Next, they will study common time signatures.

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