Kindergarten has been working on reading patterns long lines and short dots as a start to reading rhythm patterns and are performing locomotor movement to match the mood/meter/feeling of various music selections. They continue to play a variety of small percussion instruments.
First Grade is identifying aesthetic qualities and musical elements to selections from Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saens.
Second Grade is identifying aesthetic qualities and musical elements as they listen to each character’s theme in Peter and The Wolf by Sergei Prokofiev.
Third Grade is playing songs with E and G and BAG E on their recorders. They will hear a mini-concert by the fourth graders pm Tuesday, May 23, 107,to help them decide whether they would like to study a band or orchestra instrument next year. A letter will go home to explain the Fourth Grade Instrumental Program after the mini-concert, and parents/guardians can fill out an on-line sign-up form that will be sent out from Mrs. Kanefke via e-mail between May 24 and May 26.
Fourth Grade is reading and playing songs on the recorder with the pitches low D, E, F#, G, A, B, and high C. They will earn their purple belts this month in Recorder Karate. They are preparing a song called Music in Our School to share at the Fourth Grade Talent Show on Thursday, June 8, 2017 at 8:45 a.m. in the gym.
In May, the children of Hilltop school were working to increase their scores. In October they did their Presidential Physical Fitness testing. Sit ups, Shuttle run, Mile run, and sit and reach. The 3rd graders did Disco Bowling. The lights were turned down. The disco music was being played. For the other classes, they learned what it was like to bowl with different types of bowling balls. Small, medium and large. The smiles on their face were priceless.
Hundreds of Hilltop Readers are READING WITHOUT WALLS @ the Hilltop Library!. This challenge is led by National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature and MacArthur “Genius” Fellow, Gene Luen Yang and was designed to expand the range of books that children read.
In addition to reading without walls, students in grades 2-4 have been sharing what they have read on our new Reading Without Walls Padlet. Have you recently read without walls? If so, please feel free to post your book and comments on our Padlet by clicking HERE. For more information about the program and our National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature, Gene Luen Yang, go to Reading Without Walls @ Hilltop Library. Questions?? email
The Reading Without Walls Challenge
4th Graders are App-Smashing @ the Hilltop Library Media Center!
The term App Smash was coined by Tech Teacher, Greg Kulowiec. An App Smash is when content created in one application is transferred to and enhanced by a second application (or more).
Why are we App Smashing?
- It demands creative thinking
- It demands more from the technology - let’s use applications to their maximum potential!
- It often results in more engaging learning products
- It is a fun challenge for digital learners!
So, what did 4th graders App Smash? 4th graders learned about and wrote Haiku and Cinquain poetry. Students published their poetry using the PADLET application. From there they recorded their poetry using the VOCAROO application. Lastly they searched and identified a creative commons and copyright friendly image from BING images.
Padlet + Vocaroo + Bing Images = App Smashing Poetry Products!
Some dates to remember….
May 19th - last day to check out books (exceptions will be made for research, classroom projects, etc.)
May 26th - All library books due back to the Hilltop Library Media Center
June 12, 13, 14 - Annual School Wide Summertime Book Swap. Details regarding participation coming soon!
Second grade have finished learning about all the different elements of art. Now they are learning to make creative, beautiful artworks combining those art elements. We started out with exploring one of the most beautiful(and famous) artworks in the world, Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night. They’ve also delved into different media this spring: manipulating tissue paper to make a giant flower for moms, and making a treasure pot using pinching and coiling method.
This spring has been sprinkled with flowers, famous artists and Mother’s Day in art.
Kindergarten has been making collages, painting spring flowers and making a pot of flowers. All of these learning experiences not only explore different media but also help the young students to open their eyes to nature and appreciate their surroundings.
I hope that the first grade moms have appreciated the mother’s portraits. Inspired by Modigliani and his simple yet elegant style, the first graders have reflected on their own mothers when they painted these paintings. Their thoughtful hearts and efforts have surely shined through their artworks!

Third grade are applying several elements and principles of art to their artmaking. The weaving in the round project of using the round loom exhibits patterns, repetition and texture. They have also been learning to draw using lines and shapes to show shading and texture, giving the illusion of three dimensionality.
Fourth grade have been finishing up the last part of Hilltop art with sculpture unit. They have learned that sculpture, as in any work of art, can communicate ideas and feelings. That is what they’ve been trying to do with their “foil man” and clay bottle people.