September - October 2016
Hilltop artists have been working hard this month creating their first art pieces of the school year that will be used for the HSA fundraiser, Display My Art. The actual artworks will be returned to the students some time in the winter, when they get returned from the printer. Please look out for more information to come from HSA.
In October, we will be welcoming fall with lots of seasonal art. We will be making pumpkins, fall leaves, bats, scarecrows and more. We will be creating fall still lifes and landscapes.
Kindergarteners will continue to develop their drawing, cutting and pasting, and painting skills while getting accustomed to using different art materials properly. First graders will learn about what still life and landscape are. Second graders will start to delve into the first two elements of art: line and color. Third graders will continue to apply the principles of art, emphasis, unity and balance. Fourth graders will begin their unit on Art of Face with symbolic portrait.

Technology: 3rd graders have been learning about their new Google Drive, how it can enhance their learning experiences, and how a great digital citizen uses their drive in respectful, constructive and productive ways to enhance their learning. Each student was given a Google License, and now has full permission to use their drive at home and in school. Both 3rd and 4th graders have been working on a collaborative Google Drive project, sharing data, collecting results, and analyzing those results through the creation of Web 2.0 Word Cloud. Both 3rd and 4th graders are now active OPAC users. Ask your child what the acronym OPAC stands for, and how it can help learners locate and explore literary resources.

Library Information Literacy: Our K-4th grade students have begun exploring and checking out literature. In addition to our focus on our school-wide character pillar, RESPECT, we are diving into literature. In Kindergarten we are reading and singing along with Pete the Cat. 1st Graders are exploring the Clyde the Bunny books, and reflecting on the beginning, middle, and end of a story, as well as character, setting, genre, problem and solution. Our 2nd Graders are learning about Tall Tales, the 398.2 Dewey section, and of course, the use of exaggeration in many Tall Tales. 2nd-4th Graders learned about the amazing Emmanual Ofosu Yeboah. We read Emmanuel's Dream, and were in awe of Emmanuel's determination. His message of respect, perseverance and compassion is remarkable. Check out his page at and video footage at
We look forward to exploring and experiencing wonderful literature throughout the 2016-2017 year!
Happy Fall! The children have been getting their bodies back into Hilltop Phys Ed Shape. That means jogging in the gym for minutes, exercises with classmates and for the 3rd and fourth graders, having an Olympic Captain lead their group. The Soccer unit was enjoyed by all grades. Mini games of soccer were played along with activities using the soccer skills they learned.
During October students will be focusing on their personal fitness. How many sit ups can they do in 1 minute, running a shuttle run, testing their flexibility with a sit and reach,and jogging either ¼,½, or 1 mile. This will be recorded and then tested again in May. The goal is for children to complete the laps. If they need to walk at any time, it is acceptable.
BIG REMINDER: PLEASE HAVE YOUR CHILD/CHILDREN WEAR THEIR SNEAKERS ON GYM DAYS. ( if they forget, they are not able to take gym for that day.)
Kindergarteners have been learning how to breathe deeply to support singing, singing familiar songs,learning correct names and age-appropriate techniques on classroom instruments, and experiencing musical stories and new songs to be usedfor skill/concept development.
First graders have been demonstrating their understanding of tempo through Italian terms - allegro, moderato, adagio) and dynamics through Italian terms - forte, mezzo forte, piano. They have played classroom instruments with poems to demonstrate that they can follow a conductor’s cues.
Second graders have reviewed rhythm symbols and 4-beat rhythm patterns from last year. They have begun to accompany poems and songs on xylophones and classroom instruments and to read pitch from iconic notation.
Third graders have reviewed rhythms from last year and have been working on singing in unison and harmony. Soon, they will add new rhythm patterns to their rhythm repertoire.
Fourth graders have reviewed rhythms of songs from previous years and begun Recorder Karate to develop their staff reading/notation skills. Next, they will study common time signatures.