Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Happy Holidays! The children of Hilltop school will be learning the basics of basketball.  Many activities will be played incorporating those skills.  
 Your children maybe coming home and telling you that they climbed a wall today. Thanks to the HSA the children will have an opportunity to experience climbing in gym.  We will start with many of the basic steps and Rules that are needed to make the rock wall experience a success.
Enjoy your Holiday and your time off with your children.
Mrs. Morales

 3rd & 4th Graders participated in an HOUR of CODE!
We live in a world surrounded by technology. We know that whatever field our students choose to go into as adults, their ability to succeed will increasingly depend on understanding how technology works.

In an effort to continue our exploration of how technology works, our 3rd and 4th grade technology classes experienced an HOUR OF CODE with Mrs. LeMay.
We spent time discussing algorithms, the importance of attending to details, debugging, using models and simlulation to explore complex systems, perseverance, and collaboration.  All of these elements are not only critical copmonents of computer programming, but are applicable to all areas of learning. Students started out by working together to devlop the lines of code necessary to get Mrs. LeMay to her shoe! Students then went on to read and write code on paper (paper programming), and finallly students wrote code using the platform.

Check out the great SketchNote by Sylvia Duckworth called “10 Reasons to Teach Coding.” She put the infographic together based on information from Brian Aspinall. Stay on the lookout for our own 3rd and 4th grade SKETCHNOTES! For more information about the Hour of Code, go to

Citations, Citations, Citations….
2nd, 3rd and 4th graders are involved in research projects that require students to locate and access several print and digital resources.  We have discussed the importance citing their sources, and grades 3-4 have heard Mrs. LeMay’s Lovely Lollipop Story – The Importance of Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due!  In grades 3-4 we have gone into great detail discussing citation format and creating citations for our recent BrainPop mini research projects.  

The 4th Grade Mannequin Challenge Videos and Scavenger Hunt are online! 

Our 4th graders recently worked together to complete Hilltop Library Mannequin Challenge videos. Students came up with a pose that could clearly illustrate the wonderful tools, resources, and space we have at the Hilltop Library -- where our students grow as readers, researchers and learners!

In an effort to engage ALL Hilltop learners, I have created the Hilltop Library Mannequin Challenge Scavenger Hunt. All students are welcome to complete one scavenger hunt form and return it to the Hilltop Library at any time this year to receive a prize. The Mannequin Challenge Scavenger Hunt form can be found on the Hilltop Library website.  Students can watch all 3 mannequin videos, but only need to complete one scavenger hunt form. The videos can be found on the password protected portion of our website. Questions?? email

1st Graders Researchers are blossoming…Students have been learning about the Internet, the Chrome browser and how to navigate to the PebbleGO database at   We discussed the importance of keeping our school login information private, and all students have had extensive practice logging in to the database. The Mendham Borough School District subscribes to this database, and students can access it from school or home. This informational research database is geared towards younger, emerging readers, giving them access to relevant, current information about research topics in a multimodal literacy environment that supports them at every level. Students searched, located, and accessed various informational texts and topics. They then went on to gather and record information, and will soon be locating the citation for a given informational article!
All Hilltop students are working on selections to share at the holiday concerts on Wednesday, December 21, 2016 in Hilltop’s Gym.  

Our theme this year is “Holiday Magic, Holiday Wonder.”

Holiday concert times are:
Grades 1 and 2 at 9:00 a.m.
Grades 3 and 4 at 10:15 a.m.
Kindergarten at 2:30 p.m.

Snow date for the concerts is Thursday, December 22, 2016. Concert times for the snow date would be the same as listed above.

Please have students dress neatly/nicely (no sports jerseys or shirts with logos) and not to warmly as performing on risers under lights makes the children warm.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Kindergarteners have been practicing lots of cutting and gluing for the fall art projects, as well as exploring painting in the art room.   

It’s been a tradition for the first graders to paint a barn landscape.  They have learned how to create a landscape using aerial perspective and appropriate proportion for different grounds.   

Second graders have been onto the next element of art--color.  They have been learning about the color theory and making a colorful still life arrangement.  They have also learned about texture and created a texture painting of fall trees using different applications.

Third Graders have been working on painting their fall still lifes, emphasizing unity and balance of their composition.  Since they have art only once a week, some classes, especially those that have art on Mondays, have missed art for a couple of weeks and have been still trying to finish up their paintings.  We’ll try to send those home soon.

Fourth Grade have been working on the unit of Art of Face.  They finished their symbolic portraits, inspired by the artist Arcimboldo.  We have also studied Mona Lisa and the history of portraiture, as they have started their realistic selfies.  

The Goblins in the gym have come and gone.  Its time to focus on Our Dance Moves.  The children will be learning dances from the early 40’s like the Alley Cat, moving forward to the 70’s with the Village People’s YMCA. For Our 3rd and 4th graders, we will be doing some country dancing.  
The Virginia Reel and the Cotton Eye Joe will be taught.  
The students will also be strengthening their CORE muscles, by moving about in different ways on the scooters.  
The Rock Wall? Listen for your children to come home from school and mention the Rock Wall.  It may be planned for next month. STAYED TUNED.

Students in grades K-4 learned about voting, elections, ballots, absentee ballots, and more!  We then read our four literary candidates.  Students took the time to think about each book and its illustrations, themes, characters and purpose.  We asked questions. Did the book inspire you?  Do you think about the story, even when you aren't reading it? Did you love the characters, setting, genre, or theme? Did you enjoy the pictures?  Did the pictures do a great job at helping to tell the story? Which book do you feel deserves to be the "Winning Title" for our 2016 Book Election? 
Students were then given the opportunity to enter the voting booth and cast their vote!  Check out the results at the Hilltop Library Media Center website by clicking HERE.

What kind of DIGITAL FOOTPRINT are you creating? In an effort to continue our exploration and understanding of DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP, students in 3rd and 4th grade learned about and reflected upon their own growing digital footprint. Students learned that the information they put online leaves a digital footprint or trail.  We discussed what information is appropriate and inappropriate.  For more information regarding online safety check out the link on the Hilltop Library Media Center website for COMMON SENSE MEDIA Digital Citiizenship Family Activity Sheets

RESPECT COMIC STRIPS…..3rd and 4th grade students thought about ways in which they SHOW respect.  Students constructed tables in Powerpoint, inserted text boxes, speech and thought bubbles, images, and backgrounds.  Students worked heavily with the ORDER tool to help them layer the multiple images and text boxes within each frame of their comic strip.  The result…GREAT Graphic Design Work and Great Messages! Check out the rest of our comic strips on the Hilltop Library Media Center website.

Kindergarteners are identifying and “reading” dynamic markings (Loud, Quiet) to short chants and songs. They continue to play a classroom instrument each week and review instruments we’ve played previously. They will begin learning short, age appropriate song for their holiday/winter concert on December 21.

First Graders have been learning about pitch: high, low, going higher and going lower. They have played some unique instruments like the whistle tubes and thunder tubes. They will begin learning short, age-appropriate song for their holiday/winter concert on December 21.

Second Graders continue to use rhythms and patterns. They are learning how to accompany themselves on xylophone to short songs. They will begin learning short, age-appropriate song for their holiday/winter concert on December 21.

Third Graders are reading and performing rhythms with half notes and half rests. They are also using xylophones to accompany short songs. We have begun to learn songs for their holiday/winter concert on December 21.

Fourth Graders are learning the songs Star Light and Doggie, Doggie for the yellow belt in Recorder Karate. They have begun to learn about Time Signatures in 4/4.  They started to work on the recorder song for their holiday concert on December 21.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

September/October 2016

September - October 2016

Hilltop artists have been working hard this month creating their first art pieces of the school year that will be used for the HSA fundraiser, Display My Art.  The actual artworks will be returned to the students some time in the winter, when they get returned from the printer.  Please look out for more information to come from HSA.

In October, we will be welcoming fall with lots of seasonal art.  We will be making pumpkins, fall leaves, bats,  scarecrows and more.  We will be creating fall still lifes and landscapes.  
Kindergarteners will continue to develop their drawing, cutting and pasting, and painting skills while getting accustomed to using different art materials properly.  First graders will learn about what still life and landscape are. Second graders will start to delve into the first two elements of art:  line and color.  Third graders will continue to apply the principles of art, emphasis, unity and balance.  Fourth graders will begin their unit on Art of Face with symbolic portrait.   

Technology: 3rd graders have been learning about their new Google Drive, how it can enhance their learning experiences, and how a great digital citizen uses their drive in respectful, constructive and productive ways to enhance their learning. Each student was given a Google License, and now has full permission to use their drive at home and in school.  Both 3rd and 4th graders have been working on a collaborative Google Drive project, sharing data, collecting results, and analyzing those results through the creation of Web 2.0 Word Cloud. Both 3rd and 4th graders are now active OPAC users. Ask your child what the acronym OPAC stands for, and how it can help learners locate and explore literary resources.  

Library Information Literacy: Our K-4th grade students have begun exploring and checking out literature.  In addition to our focus on our school-wide character pillar, RESPECT, we are diving into literature. In Kindergarten we are reading and singing along with Pete the Cat. 1st Graders are exploring the Clyde the Bunny books, and reflecting on the beginning, middle, and end of a story, as well as character, setting, genre, problem and solution.  Our 2nd Graders are learning about Tall Tales, the 398.2 Dewey section, and of course, the use of exaggeration in many Tall Tales. 2nd-4th Graders learned about the amazing Emmanual Ofosu Yeboah. We read Emmanuel's Dream, and were in awe of Emmanuel's determination. His message of respect, perseverance and compassion is remarkable. Check out his page at and video footage at
We look forward to exploring and experiencing wonderful literature throughout the 2016-2017 year!

Happy Fall!  The children have been getting their bodies back into Hilltop Phys Ed Shape.  That means jogging in the gym for minutes, exercises with classmates and for the 3rd and fourth graders, having an Olympic Captain lead their group. The Soccer unit was enjoyed by all grades. Mini games of soccer were played along with activities using the soccer skills they learned.

During October students will be focusing on their personal fitness.  How many sit ups can they do in 1 minute, running a shuttle run, testing their flexibility with a sit and reach,and jogging either ¼,½, or 1 mile. This will be recorded and then tested again in May. The goal is for children to complete the laps.  If they need to walk at any time, it is acceptable.  
BIG REMINDER: PLEASE HAVE YOUR CHILD/CHILDREN WEAR THEIR SNEAKERS ON GYM DAYS.  ( if they forget, they are not able to take gym for that day.)   

Kindergarteners have been learning how to breathe deeply to support singing, singing familiar songs,learning correct names and age-appropriate techniques on classroom instruments, and experiencing musical stories and new songs to be usedfor skill/concept development.

First graders have been demonstrating their understanding of tempo through Italian terms - allegro, moderato, adagio) and dynamics through Italian terms - forte, mezzo forte, piano. They have played classroom instruments with poems to demonstrate that they can follow a conductor’s cues.

Second graders have reviewed rhythm symbols and 4-beat rhythm patterns from last year. They have begun to accompany poems and songs on xylophones and classroom instruments and to read pitch from iconic notation.

Third graders have reviewed rhythms from last year and have been working on singing in unison and harmony. Soon, they will add new rhythm patterns to their rhythm repertoire.

Fourth graders have reviewed rhythms of songs from previous years and begun Recorder Karate to develop their staff reading/notation skills. Next, they will study common time signatures.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


JUNE: During this last month of the school year, students have been bringing home their art works from the last marking period.  The portfolios do not have to be returned this time.  As I have explained to the students, they will be making new portfolios next year so please keep all the artworks and portfolios home.  

Fourth graders are still working on their clay bottle people that are really beginning to come alive in the art room.  We have presidents to athletes to movie characters to  personal favorites that are looking fantastic! Hopefully most will be finished by the last day so that they can be taken home for the families to keep for years to come.  
I am going to miss all of my Hilltop artists this summer.  Hope that they continue to draw this summer and keep up with their growing potentials!  Thank you for all of your support for art this year!
MAY: Third graders have learned about Claude Monet, a French artist who is known as the father of Impressionism movement.  They have dabbed into the impressionist technique of creating a dreamy atmosphere with loose brushstrokes of pastel colors.  Their waterlily pond paintings are beautiful!

All grades are finishing off the school year with sculptural learning experiences.  Be on the lookout for some clay projects to come home!

June: Spanish:  It has been a fabuloso year in Spanish at Hilltop School! Kindergarten and First grade students ended the year reviewing some topics they learned about throughout the year, such as introductions, feelings, numbers, colors, body parts and animals!  
Students in grades 2-4 ended the year with some fun class presentations… Frutas Commercials, El Supermercado Skit and El Restaurante! They all did a wonderful job; it is amazing to see their confidence with the language and they way they help one another if needed.
This summer, please have your child visit the Spanish website to go on Quizlet for review or to preview future topics they will learn about! Students also have fun using the website ABC YA Spanish and Rockalingua. Bilingual books are another great way to learn and practice Spanish together, as well as watching kids movies in Spanish with English subtitles.
¡Que tengas un verano magnífico!/Have a magnificent summer!

MayKindergarten and First grade students have been learning about Los Animales de la Granja y del Zoológico/Farm & Zoo Animals! Your child should be able to tell you some names of animals that they love (Me encanta), like (Me gusta) or dislike (No me gusta). We have practiced describing their colors and size and played fun games such as Charades! They are also describing them with adjectives such as rápido, feroz and grande. At this point in the year, students should feel comfortable saying the colors in Spanish, numbers 1-10 (K) and 1-15 (1st), stating how they feel, and introducing themselves. We always move around the room and stretch out different body parts as well! Can your child tell you how to say eyes or mouth in Spanish?

Second graders have been learning all about Las Frutas/Fruits! In addition to sharing their interests and surveying their friends, students describe the fruit’s size, color, shape and taste! They are currently presenting their comerciales de las frutas/fruit commercials to the class. They have chosen a fruit that we have learned about and are sharing about it in a fun, catchy way! Props, posters, songs, cheers, and dances are just a few of the ideas. Be sure to ask your child about their commercial!
Third and fourth grades are in the middle of a delicioso unit…La Comida/Food! Third graders are busy planning a skit at the supermercado, which they will present to the class in the following weeks. Fourth graders are working in groups to plan their restaurante skits, which they will present in the next few weeks as well! Can your child talk with you at the dinner table about the food they are eating and how they feel about it? Can they tell you some common foods from Spain and Mexico and how their food traditions are similar and different than ours?

Check out the June School Bulletin For MUCH MORE Information From The Hilltop Library Media Center
“Books I Want To Read This Summer!”
Student Constructed Summer Reading Lists Grades 2-4
Students in grades 2-4 compiled lists of books that interested them.  Students listened to Mrs. LeMay booktalk many titles, listened to 4th Grade Hilltop Student book review podcasts, listened to 3rd grade reading reviews, and watched book trailers via the links on the HT Library Media Center website.  Students should keep their self-constructed lists handy as they embark on frequent summer trips to the library and bookstore.   Happy Summer Reading!

Summer Reading Activities Packet for ALL STUDENTS and Resources for Summer Readinggo the the Hilltop Library Media Center Webiste and click the link below the sunshine image on the main page to access Mrs. LeMay’s summer reading activities packet, or just CLICK HERE.  Students that complete the packet and submit it to Mrs. LeMay in September will earn prizes from the prize box.  Resources for Summer Reading includes lnks to summer reading programs, resources and free online books! Click HERE for resources.

Digital Citizenship!  Students in grades 1-4 have participated in detailed discussion and review of what is considered ‘private’ information and how to stay safe when we go online.  Students watched “Internet Safety” on BrainPop Jr., and we reviewed the “Pause and Think Online Song” at  For additional information regarding online safety, be sure to check the Hilltop Library Media Center Website and click on the Cyber-Safety and Digital Citizenship links on the left side of the page. 

MAY: This Spring, 4th Grader musicians have read, written, and performed rhythmic patterns with sixteenth notes. They have learned a few pitches on their recorders: F#, Low C, and F.  They are currently earning brown belts in Recorder Karate for Cotton-Eye Joe (different melody than the dance version) and Wayfaring Stranger.  They have learned to identify the following markings in music notation: key signature (for F#), ritardando (slow down), fermata (hold the note/pitch until the conductor tells you to stop), and slur (connect pitches on one breath instead of individually stopping and starting each pitch).  In the next few weeks, they will have an opportunity to complete Recorder Karate by earning black and black “plus” belts.  Lastly, 4th Graders are preparing two selections: Whacky Chopstix (using Boomwhackers) and Ode to Peace (Choral) for the upcoming 4th Grade Talent Show on Friday, June 10, 2016 at 8:45 a.m. in Hilltop’s Gym

MAY: It’s fitness time, the children performed their Presidential Physical Fitness test, sit ups for 1 min, shuttle run, sit and reach and ¼ mile,½ mile and mile runs.  About 85% of the students improved from October.  I am really proud of how hard they work on keeping fit.  The classes are also getting ready to run the baton relays and jump over hurdles in the gym.  This is a fun time of year.