Kindergarteners have learned some “magical” skills through art. They have learned to overlap things to create an illusion of space. They have learned to cut on a fold to make a whole shape while drawing only a half the shape. They have learned to mix colors to highlight and shade in painting. Really, what they are exercising is the fine motor skills and getting accustomed to the procedures in the art room. We are having a blast!
First graders have explored, experienced, and identified a variety of musical elements in the first marking period. They understand when music has a steady beat or does not have a steady beat. They have identified tempo (speed of music) in Italian terms: adagio, moderato, allegro and dynamics (volume of music) in Italian terms: piano, mezzoforte, and forte. They should understand the difference between pitch (highness/lowness of a tone) and dynamics/volume (how loud or quiet sound is). They will continue to explore and understand pitch vocally and on pitched percussion instruments (xylophones). First graders have also played plenty of non-pitched percussion instruments: triangles, sandblocks, drums, tambourines, maracas, woodblocks, cymbals, clatterpillars, whistle tubes, and thundertubes. They are developing the ability to hold various mallets correctly in order to play xylophones and glockenspiels. We’ve used our instruments to highlight text in songs/poems and to learn how to follow the conductor’s cues. In case you don’t know what a clatterpillar or thundertube look like, here are pictures:
For a free on-line game high/low pitch:
For a game about steady beat sound/no steady beat sounds:

It’s October,time to see what kind of shape we are all in. The children in grades 1st thru 4th will be evaluated in the following area’s: 1 mile run (24 laps in the gym) for 4th and 3rd graders, ½ mile 3 laps around the big field outside,for 2 graders, and for 1st grade, two laps on the big field. The children are timed and the time is recorded.
All grades do a shuttle run, sit-ups for 1 minute, and a sit and reach to test their flexibility. These area’s will be revisited in May at this time their should be some improvement. We will also be enjoying some Happy Halloween activities.
Fourth Graders have been exploring and learning about important reference books, including the thesaurus and the dictionary. We learned about Noah Webster and the first American dictionary, and Peter Roget and his thesaurus. Students practiced using these resources both online and in print.
Third and Fourth graders have begun keyboarding practice, and will spend 2-3 classes practicing the correct technique. Students will then be encouraged to apply this technique to all computer activities and homework that is completed in school and at home, and are strongly encouraged to complete 30 minutes of weekly home keyboard practice.
Students in grades K-1 are having fun learning and talking about “Colores!” or Colors. First graders even completed a fun survey with their classmates to find out if they liked certain colors or not. Can your child tell you some colors they like (Me gusta!) or don’t like (No me gusta!)? Second graders have also been surveying their “amigos” to find out their Spanish name, age and birthday month! Can your child do the monthly macarena for you or tell you how old they are? Third and fourth graders are learning adjectives to describe themselves… and fourth graders are learning how to describe their friends as well! We are doing a lot of acting out and moving around to learn the new vocabulary. Can your child tell you about themselves using adjectives (Yo soy…/No soy...)? Please be sure to check the Spanish website for ways you can practice together at home! Gracias :)