Second graders are learning all about Familia y Mascotas (Family & Pets)! We have been doing this through games, songs, books, surveys and acting out. Students should feel comfortable naming their immediate family members and common pets in Spanish. We try to practice doing this in phrases, such as Yo tengo (I have) and Yo soy (I am). Please visit the Hilltop Spanish Grade 2 website for more practice as well. We have also been learning the Spanish alphabet! Can your child sing the ABCs to you? As part of our class routines, we sing the Monthly Macarena and do Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes in Spanish. Ask your child to do this for you at home!
In the beginning half of the year, the first graders have been introduced to different types of pictures: still life, landscape, portrait, and scene. During the second trimester, they have been learning about different styles of art: abstract, textile, indigenous folk art. And of course, they have been experimenting these styles in their Picasso-esque portraits, Miro-like creatures, heart embroideries, koi nobori’s, and Aboriginal dot paintings. In doing so, we are learning to appreciate and respect all kinds of art, whether or not we personally like the particular style.
Since January, fourth graders learned to play and read new pitches on the recorder and treble clef staff: High C, High D, and Low D in addition to the pitches of G A B and E from the beginning of the year. They have earned two more recorder karate belts - green and purple - for reading and playing songs from treble clef with these pitches: Good King Wenceslas or Seashell for green and Goodnight Ladies or Old MacDonald for purple. To tie in with their Native America social studies unit, fourth graders learned what a powwow is and why the drum is an important part of it. They watched three video segments of a traditional powwwow: Wacipi Powwow - Celebration of Life, Regalia and Dance, and Dancing is for Everyone. While these video segments were from a powwow in the West, the Lenni-Lenape tribe also participates in powwows in the East. The 2015 Lenni-Lenapi powwow is scheduled for June 14-15, 2015! Powwows are an important event for Native Americans where they share and pass down their cultural and musical traditions. Lastly, the fourth graders will experience a drum circle, which has some similarities to a powwow, in the next week. For a basic idea of what a drum circle is, check out this definition/description: Drum Circle
Kindergarteners have been busy in the library! We have been reading and identifying BIOGRAPHY books, fiction books and reading Dewey call numbers! Ask your kindergartener to share our BIOGRAPHY CHANT with you. Coming Soon...CELEBRATE SEUSS! We will celebrate Dr. Seuss' life and literature through books, activities, and songs.
Physical Education: It sure has been an icy, snowy winter. With days off and delayed openings,the classes are continuing to work on their volleyball skills. They are all developing into some good Volleyball players. The Big Beach ball will be coming out for the younger grades to use. They will work together as a class to keep it up as many times as they can. Did your son or daughter come home all excited last week. We have been training for the 7 minute challenge and it went off last week with 90% of the Hilltop students grade 1st-4th making it without walking. They signed a chart which is hanging on the gym wall. In April, I hope to do a ‘ Go For The Gold”. This is a 10 min jog without walking. If they walk after 8 mins, they get a Silver certificate, and if they do less than that they will receive a bronze certificate. Everyone tries their best.
Jump rope for Heart will be done in school with the 3rd graders on February 13th. They are really looking forward to this event. Last year we raised over 5,500.00 Hope Spring arrives soon. Mrs. Morales