First Graders have been busy in the library! We have been reading and identifying NONFICTION books, and will soon begin our BIOGRAPHY unit! In the technology lab students have been using our new PEBBLEGO online database. Students are becoming experts at logging in, and locating and recording information. They are now on to PowerPoint to share their research through a digital presentation.
Second grade art program focuses on learning and utilizing the elements of art: color, line, shape, texture and space. January’s focus has been COLOR. The students are not only learning about primary and secondary colors, but also use those colors to create tertiary colors. They have been introduced to complementary and analogous colors as well as creating tints and shades. They can also group warm, cool, and neutral colors. Some of these concepts have been used and displayed in their current project: Pine Tree Paintings: Winter Landscape.
Kindergarten students are developing their sense of and ability to recognize and perform steady beat accurately. They are working combining expressive qualities (tempo: fast/slow, dynamics: loud/quiet, melody: higher pitches/lower pitches) when singing short songs. They are also listening to music so that they can analyze what instruments are playing, who is singing (voice quality), and explain/describe how we know what instruments are playing and/or who is singing.

The gym is being filled with balls being volleyed all over the place. Our unit this month is Volleyball. The fourth graders are improving on their skills to get ready for the blue and gold volleyball game against teachers and students. Skills being taught are Setting, Serving and bumping. For the younger children, a big beach ball is used, as they try to keep it up for as many times as they can. This is a sport that not many children have an opportunity to play because their are no organized town teams. We have some really good volleyball players. I have seen alot of growth in them from 1st grade to 4th.
Third grade students just finished up their first unit in Spanish class, “Yo Soy Especial/I am Special.” They did a fabuloso job on their class presentations and just finished reflecting on what they learned. They will be bringing home a “Stamp Sheet” next week… please ask your child to share it with you and see if they can show off their Spanish! They might be able to tell you their birthday, adjectives to describe themselves or even describe their hair and eyes to you! We will be starting our second unit, “Mi Vida Loca/My Crazy Life,” next week. Students will learn to tell time as well as practice phrases and sentences in Spanish to speak about their daily schedule, classes, activities and people in their lives.